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Chapter 1: Introduction

CQL was designed as a precompiled addition to the SQLite runtime system. SQLite lacks stored procedures, but has a rich C runtime interface that allows you to create any kind of control flow mixed with any SQL operations that you might need. However, SQLite's programming interface is both verbose and error-prone in that small changes in SQL statements can require significant swizzling of the C code that calls them. Additionally, many of the SQLite runtime functions have error codes which must be strictly checked to ensure correct behavior. In practice, it's easy to get some or all of this wrong.

CQL simplifies this situation by providing a high level SQL language not unlike the stored procedure forms that are available in client/server SQL solutions and lowering that language to "The C you could have written to do that job using the normal SQLite interfaces."

As a result, the C generated is generally very approachable but now the source language does not suffer from brittleness due to query or table changes and CQL always generates correct column indices, nullability checks, error checks, and the other miscellany needed to use SQLite correctly.

CQL is also strongly typed, whereas SQLite is very forgiving with regard to what operations are allowed on which data. Strict type checking is much more reasonable given CQL's compiled programming model.


CQL was created to help solve problems in the building of Meta Platforms's Messenger application, but this content is free from references to Messenger. The CQL code generation here is done in the simplest mode with the fewest runtime dependencies allowed for illustration.

Getting Started​

Before starting this tutorial, make sure you have built the cql executable first in Building CG/SQL.

The "Hello World" program rendered in CQL looks like this:

-- needed to allow vararg calls to C functions
declare procedure printf no check;

create proc hello()
call printf("Hello, world\n");

This very nearly works exactly as written but we'll need a little bit of glue to wire it all up.

First, assuming you have built cql, you should have the power to do this:

$ cql --in hello.sql --cg hello.h hello.c

This will produce the C output files hello.c and hello.h which can be readily compiled.

However, hello.c will not have a main -- rather it will have a function like this:

void hello(void);

The declaration of this function can be found in hello.h.

Note: hello.h tries to include cqlrt.h. To avoid configuring include paths for the compiler, you might keep cqlrt.h in the same directory as the examples and avoid that complication. Otherwise you must make arrangements for the compiler to be able to find cqlrt.h either by adding it to an INCLUDE path or by adding some -I options to help the compiler find the source.

That hello function is not quite adequate to get a running program, which brings us to the next step in getting things running. Typically you have some kind of client program that will execute the procedures you create in CQL. Let's create a simple one in a file we'll creatively name main.c.

A very simple CQL main might look like this:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "hello.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
return 0;

Now we should be able to do the following:

$ cc -o hello main.c hello.c
$ ./hello
Hello, world

Congratulations, you've printed "Hello, world" with CG/SQL!

Why did this work?​

A number of things are going on even in this simple program that are worth discussing:

  • the procedure hello had no arguments, and did not use the database
    • therefore its type signature when compiled will be simply void hello(void); so we know how to call it
    • you can see the declaration for yourself by examining the hello.c or hello.h
  • since nobody used a database we didn't need to initialize one
  • since there are no actual uses of SQLite we didn't need to provide that library
  • for the same reason we didn't need to include a reference to the CQL runtime
  • the function printf was declared "no check", so calling it creates a regular C call using whatever arguments are provided, in this case a string
  • the printf function is declared in stdio.h which is pulled in by cqlrt.h, which appears in hello.c, so it will be available to call in the generated C code
  • CQL allows string literals with double quotes, and those literals may have most C escape sequences in them, so the "\n" bit works
    • Normal SQL string literals (also supported) use single quotes and do not allow, or need escape characters other than '' to mean one single quote

All of these facts put together mean that the normal, simple linkage rules result in an executable that prints the string "Hello, world" and then a newline.

Variables and Arithmetic​

Borrowing once again from examples in "The C Programming Language", it's possible to do significant control flow in CQL without reference to databases. The following program illustrates a variety of concepts:

-- needed to allow vararg calls to C functions
declare procedure printf no check;

-- print a conversion table for temperatures from 0 to 300
create proc conversions()
declare fahr, celsius integer not null;
declare lower, upper, step integer not null;

set lower := 0; /* lower limit of range */
set upper := 300; /* upper limit of range */
set step := 20; /* step size */

set fahr := lower;
while fahr <= upper
set celsius := 5 * (fahr - 32) / 9;
call printf("%d\t%d\n", fahr, celsius);
set fahr := fahr + step;

You may notice that both the SQL style -- line prefix comments and the C style /* */ forms [note you haven't used the second for of comment style yet] are acceptable comment forms. Indeed, it's actually quite normal to pass CQL source through the C pre-processor before giving it to the CQL compiler, thereby gaining #define and #include as well as other pre-processing options like token pasting in addition to the aforementioned comment forms. More on this later.

Like C, in CQL all variables must be declared before they are used. They remain in scope until the end of the procedure in which they are declared, or they are global scoped if they are declared outside of any procedure. The declarations announce the names and types of the local variables. Importantly, variables stay in scope for the whole procedure even if they are declared within a nested begin and end block.

The most basic types are the scalar or "unitary" types (as they are referred to in the compiler)

integerinta 32 bit integer
longlong integera 64 bit integer
boolbooleanan 8 bit integer, normalized to 0/1
realn/aa C double
textn/aan immutable string reference
blobn/aan immutable blob reference
objectn/aan object reference

Note: SQLite makes no distinction between integer storage and long integer storage, but the declarations tell CQL whether it should use the SQLite methods for binding and reading 64-bit or 32-bit quantities when using the variable or column so declared.

There will be more notes on these types later, but importantly, all keywords and names in CQL are case insensitive just like in the underlying SQL language. Additionally all of the above may be combined with not null to indicate that a null value may not be stored in that variable (as in the example). When generating the C code, the case used in the declaration becomes the canonical case of the variable and all other cases are converted to that in the emitted code. As a result the C remains case sensitively correct.

The size of the reference types is machine dependent, whatever the local pointer size is. The non-reference types use machine independent declarations like int32_t to get exactly the desired sizes in a portable fashion.

All variables of a reference type are set to NULL when they are declared, including those that are declared NOT NULL. For this reason, all nonnull reference variables must be initialized (i.e., assigned a value) before anything is allowed to read from them. This is not the case for nonnull variables of a non-reference type, however: They are automatically assigned an initial value of 0, and thus may be read from at any point.

The programs execution begins with three assignments:

set lower := 0;
set upper := 300;
set step := 20;

This initializes the variables just like in the isomorphic C code. Statements are seperated by semicolons, just like in C.

The table is then printed using a while loop

while fahr <= upper

This has the usual meaning, with the statements in the begin/end block being executed repeatedly until the condition becomes false.

The body of a begin/end block such as the one in the while statement can contain one or more statements.

The typical computation of Celsius temperature ensues with this code:

set celsius := 5 * (fahr - 32) / 9;
call printf("%d\t%d\n", fahr, celsius);
set fahr := fahr + step;

This computes the celsuis and then prints it out, moving on to the next entry in the table.

Importantly, the CQL compiler uses the normal SQLite order of operations, which is NOT the C order of operations. As a result, the compiler may need to add parentheses in the C output to get the correct order; or it may remove some parentheses because they are not needed in the C order even though they were in the SQL order.

The printf call operates as before, with the fahr and celsius variables being passed on to the C runtime library for formatting, unchanged.

NOTE: when calling unknown foreign functions like printf string literals are simply passed right through unchanged as C string literals. No CQL string object is created.

Basic Conversion Rules​

As a rule, CQL does not perform its own conversions, leaving that instead to the C compiler. An exception to this is that boolean expressions are normalized to a 0 or 1 result before they are stored.

However, even with no explicit conversions, there are compatibility checks to ensure that letting the C compiler do the conversions will result in something sensible. The following list summarizes the essential facts/rules as they might be applied when performing a + operation.

  • the numeric types are bool, int, long, real
  • non-numeric types cannot be combined with numerics, e.g. 1 + 'x' always yields an error
  • any numeric type combined with itself yields the same type
  • bool combined with int yields int
  • bool or int combined with long yields long
  • bool, int, or long combined with real yields real

Preprocessing Features​

CQL does not include its own pre-processor but it is designed to consume the output of the C pre-processor. To do this, you can either write the output of the pre-processor to a temporary file and read it into CQL as usual or you can set up a pipeline something like this:

$ cc -x c -E your_program.sql | cql --cg your_program.h your_program.c

The above causes the C compiler to invoke only the pre-processor -E and to treat the input as though it were C code -x c even though it is in a .sql file. Later examples will assume that you have configured CQL to be used with the C pre-processor as above.