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CG/SQL Playground

CQL Playground​

While we do not offer an interactive REPL environment, we have bootstrapped an environment to run simple CQL programs in the repl folder of our repository. You can run it by doing this from the CQL repository:

$ cd repl
$ ./

By default, you'll get this output:

../out/cql ready
CQL Mini App Thingy
Hello from CQL.
Edit as you please runs the go() stored procedure defined in go.sql. You can experiment with the CQL language by editing the go.sql file, as you please.

The contents of also offers a basic demonstration of how CQL should be typically used to transpile files into a C executable.

Query Plan Playground​

Within the same repl directory, we have a script that demonstrates CQL's query plan generation feature with go.sql.

Run this script in the /repl directory of the CQL repository:

$ cd repl
$ ./

The script will generate the output of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN of the SQL statements used in go.sql.

["Query", "Stat", "Graph"],
"INSERT INTO my_table(str) VALUES(\"Hello from CQL.\"), (\"Edit as you please.\")",
[{"value": "SCAN", "style": {"fontSize": 14, "color": "red", "fontWeight": "bold"}}, {"value": 1, "style": {"fontSize": 14, "color": "red", "fontWeight": "bold"}}],
"SELECT *\n FROM my_table",
[{"value": "SCAN", "style": {"fontSize": 14, "color": "red", "fontWeight": "bold"}}, {"value": 1, "style": {"fontSize": 14, "color": "red", "fontWeight": "bold"}}],
"\n?\n|...SCAN TABLE my_table"

You might notice the above output has a lot of extraneous stuff, like what seems to be CSS styling in JSON format. This is something that will be addressed in the future. In the meantime, you can use something like jq to filter stuff out. For example:

$ ./ | jq '.[0][0][1:-1][] | {"query": .[0], "explain": .[2]}'